Discover Your VoIP Network
ABC Monitor
What Is It for?
The ABC Monitor provides administrators with an aggregated view of user activity based on usage reporting data collected from the ABC SBC/WebRTC gateways. This highly interactive, near real-time view can be used for trending, analysis of both short-term and long-term use patterns, troubleshooting, auditing server policies and identifying misconducting users.

& Alarms

Network Connectivity

& Reports

& Filters

System &
Realm Statistics
Real-time Look
at Your Network

Through the ABC Monitor the operator of the ABC SBC and ABC WebRTC gateway can have an elaborate overview of the performance of the VoIP infrastructure and be alerted to failures. The ABC Monitor collects data close-to-real-time from inside of the ABC Session Border Controller. This way, the ABC Monitor can reveal even plain-text VoIP traffic that is encrypted or obfuscated using topology hiding.
Our Home dashboard offers look at your parallel calls and registrations, also comparison with data from previous day. So the administrator see at the first side the state of his network.
An ABC SBC may also send its data to two Monitors in parallel. This is useful for various organization with multiple isolated teams, easy-to-start virtualized trials and migration scenarios.
Network Connectivity
Our charts also focus on topology and visualizes statistics for calls between Call Agents. This helps to discover situations such as a destination CAll Agent failing abnormally often to complete calls, or SIP compatiblity issues on a link from one CA to another.
Directed cyclic relationship graph shows flow between call agents. The stronger the lines, the more traffic the events represent on this route.
The network statistics dashboard shows amount of traffic processed by all of the managed SBCs, both at high-level (number of calls and registrations) and low-level (number of bytes and packets). It also shows statistics of automated blacklisting.

Statistics & Filters
Our Toplists shows most active users by various metrics: call attempts, call minutes, number of short calls, etc. To add more information about traffic, we also have average call failure ratio, average seizure ratio (ASR), average call duration (ACD) and more.
There are data filters, type filters, time filter, and full-text filters. Data filters are used to filter out all events with the same data field values. They can be created from many elements shown in the dashboards. Every data filter can be deleted, deactivated, and importantly pinned. Type filters checkboxes are shown in the top-bar and allow to easily restrict events by their respective types. Time filter sets the window of inspect time either absolutely, or relatively to current time. And full-text filter that looks for a pattern in multiple fields of the available events.

& Alarms
Automatic alarms to secure your system. Every alarm will generate exceeded limit event type. And can also send warning e-mail to user.

Too frequent calls

Too short calls

Too frequent auth failure

Too many IPs hidden behind an URI

Too many URIs behind an IP

Changing location

Poor failure ratio
Qos & Reports
QoS reports are included in the call-stop events in JSON format. The reports include two parts, one for the media streams from and to the caller, and another one for the streams from and to the called party. All low numbers are highlights to see immediately wrong numbers.

Home dashboard shows the most important data in a single comprehensible page. This page can also be sent to administrator on a daily basis by email to report on previous 24 hours. It gives you the overview of how your network is “healthy”.
And also we generate weekly reports to show trends. Graphs in reports show the values over past seven days and compare head-to-head current and previous weekly averages.
System & Realm Statistics
Dashboard System shows how SBCs are doing in terms of memory and CPU. Useful to identify overload situations.
Realms Stats is a subset of network statics, broken down by realms.